My little boy got accepted in his school of choice, which is just a short walk from our home. We were all really pleased he was accepted. The school has a great introduction programme which include home visits, stay and play afternoons, school visits etc. My son seemed really excited not at all bothered by the situation.
He has had his home visit and seemed relaxed with his new teachers, chatting away, looking forward to the stay and play that afternoon!! My Oh and I breathed a sigh of relief, both thinking this is going to be a breeze he'll settle in easily. We were worried as he only turns 4 a few days before he starts school making him one of the youngest in the year.
We arrive at the stay and play my son was lead off into the classroom for 30 minutes while we sat and ate cakes, drank coffee and got to know the head teacher. Then our son appeared the teacher said he'd had a little cry and was a bit unsettled!
Oh here we go, we were being too confident. Now taking him to Pre-school the next day our little boy was hysterical, clinging to us which is so unlike his behaviour, he normally goes in not looking back. His pre-school teacher said a few other children were acting the same way and they were putting it down to "big school nerves". Last night when he came home he seemed ok, then when it was time to go to sleep he started crying saying I don't want to go to school I want to stay with you and give you kisses all day (my son certainly knows how to pull at my heart strings lol!). Eventually he fell asleep he woke up in the morning the same way. He is there now at pre-school, I can't stop thinking about him, I know he is fine and it is for the best that I made him go in but I can't help feeling cruel :(
I want him to grow to know you have to do things you don't want to do to get past these feelings and to not always take the easy way out. When I look into his pleading eyes I just want to scoop him up and hug him and say you don't have to do what you do want to do but the reality is he will just think he can get away with it every time!!
Well lets hope these "Big School Nerves" don't last to long!!!