Thursday, 14 October 2010

It's been nearly two years in the making, but now I have finally arrived. I have finally got my little home in  a rural village in cheshire. I found the house online last August, my heart was racing, my palms were sweaty and lo and behold I couldn't get in touch with estate agent or other half to let him know I had found our dream home. We finally viewed it on beautiful sunny day, the house was OK, but it was the area we fell in love with. My OH give me the nod and he put in a offer straight away, it was accepted woo hoo!!

Now for the hard work to commence.... The house needed a lot of work it was damp, it had no kitchen, a old bathroom. I was 8 months pregnant at the time and our son was 2. We decided I would stay with my parents in Liverpool , while my OH set to work. He unravelled many problems that needed fixing adding to the budget (the back kitchen floor under the tiles was peat?!?), and whilst he was partaking in major DIY, our cheeky daughter decided so would give me false labour for the next month and a half.

I was scared he would miss the birth and with having no car (we sold our lovely Santa Fe for the country dream), and the trains didn't run at night and Mobile phone reception was none existent. We decided he would stay in Liverpool till I gave birth (Daughter arrived safely 11 days after due date).

My OH tried his best to finish the house, but with limited funds and a commitment to a project in Liverpool, we thought the house move would be best put off till we could finally finish it (we are in now its still isn't finished).

We finally moved in the beginning of September. Our son who is now 3, has started Pre-School just a short walk from our house. The walk to school is unbelievable, we can see squirrels run up and down the trees and cows in the fields, I pinch myself every morning and I will never take for granted how lucky we are to be able to bring our children up in this environment.

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