Well the chickens have caused trouble again!! Our neighbours also keep chickens (they have about 7 older girls), and our clever girls have worked out our neighbour's feeding times and have found a little gap in the fence to get through to infiltrate the brood next door or for quickness fly over the hedge!!!
Our neighbour has given us a few tips on what the chickens enjoy, grass clippings, fresh sweetcorn and any general household scraps (beware there are some things that are harmful for chickens to eat, uncooked potatoes for one). So now we know why our chickens are turning their beaks up at our layers pellets!!!!
My son and I went to feed the chickens this morning and my son said to me "Mummy look there are 2 Tina's". A chicken from next door had decided to play our girls at their own game and crossed over the hedge to our backyard and was making itself heard by clucking very loud.
The girls are still laying so we have lovely fresh eggs daily which the children love.
If you have the space I would recommend keeping chickens, they are cheap or should I say cheep sorry ;) to feed, they are low matainence they just please themselves clucking around, they give you fresh eggs yum and they are very friendly, they are so cute following you around when you potter in the garden albeit in search for food. It lovely just looking out of the kitchen window watching them enjoy the garden. I can't wait to get some more. Still trying to persuade my OH to get me a micro pig, he's still not having any of it.....
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